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A Month Back

Since being back in the States life has been a wild ride. I took a leap of faith and went to Colorado Springs with no place to live and no job lined up. Prior to moving here I spent a week with family … Read more about A Month Back


This year sure did fly by very quickly. So many memories and friendships were made. It's been hard to actually process the whole year. In my most recent blog I wrote about how God used me to be able … Read more about Finished

One Month To Go

As I type this there's only one month left to go and then this year of traveling for missions will be over. It's honestly pretty crazy how quickly the year has gone. It's also interesting because even … Read more about One Month To Go

Goodbyes Are Hard

Recently before heading back to Romania I ended up getting a glimpse of what the end of the program will be like with all the goodbyes. How did this happen? Well, two people fell for each other and … Read more about Goodbyes Are Hard

Not H&M but L&M

L and M, these are the two squads that spent a little over a week together helping Hope Church Craiova with refugees and with locals. It was a sweet moment, especially when L Squad started calling me … Read more about Not H&M but L&M