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Recently I went adventuring again with some amazing people from church and some people visiting from the US. We left around 12pm and got back at around 6pm. It was an amazing day and I plucked a yellow flower from the ground as well. Why, did I do this? It will remain a mystery to you all. As it’s still a mystery to me. Anyways, we started off going to a monastery to pray. I do not remember the name of it, I wish I did. This followed by us going to another monastery where priests have prayed aloud the Psalms in the Bible and we got to read out some of the Psalms while others sat, watched and listened. Reportedly this has been happening for hundreds of years, the reading of the Psalms. It was also interesting because when I read one of the Psalms that had the word “cry” in it, after I said that word a kid who was crying stopped crying. There’s no significance to that, at least my mind doesn’t think so based on the Psalm I read (unfortunately I don’t remember what Psalm), maybe there was significance in that for God. I personally just though it was pretty cool.

Afterwards all of us went to a giant cross made out of crosses. What’s really cool is that it’s built in such a way that no matter what angle you look at it from far away you can tell it’s a cross. This is where we all worshipped the Lord together and took communion together. This is also where I plucked the yellow flower from the ground. I’m honestly thankful that there was so much nature surrounding us that I was able to focus on the Lord the entire time. I was able to see the luscious green grass everywhere on the mountains. From afar I could see mountains that were snow capped. More closer were cows, flowers and bushes. It was a beautiful experience. After spending time here we went to eat dinner together even with our driver. I’ll be honest I was slightly thrown off for a bit when the driver joined us for dinner as this is very uncommon in the states but I truly wish we did this back in the states. I should also clarify as well, honestly I was very confused at the entire situation during dinner. My heart was pounding, my thoughts were jumbled, I was at a loss for words, and we were also in a place that was for sure more of what is known in the states as higher end or looked a little more pricey. I’m pretty sure I also woke up from sleeping in the bus ride, so I wasn’t fully there mentally; I was exhausted. Also I was one of the blessed ones to have been able to of heard some of our driver’s story and we were able to pray for the guy before being dropped off. I remember his name, I can not share it. This was my adventurous and life fulfilling day. 


2 responses to “Psalms in a Monastery”

  1. What a great day! For sure every bit holds meaning, esp. to God. He adores you and what draws you to Him! So awesome!

  2. This sounds like an amazing awe inspiring day! You are blessed Michael and have met so many interesting and diverse people!