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Hey everyone! 

My name is Michael Wagoner and I am passionate about living for the Lord. I deeply desire to grow closer to Him and dwell in His presence. I was born and raised in Florida; but now spend my life currently in Phoenix, AZ. I graduated from Grand Canyon University (GCU) with a Bachelor’s in Christian Studies with an emphasis in Biblical Studies. 

I chose that major for many reasons; one was because I did not know I got accepted to GCU until 4 weeks before classes started and needed to pick a major quickly. However, the reason that holds meaningful to me is because I wanted to learn more about my faith and why I believe in God. During the course of my studies it just continued to reinforce my belief in God and ended up helping me grow closer to Him. 

Sine arriving and graduating from GCU I have grown in many ways and I am very thankful for all that God has done for me. My hobbies include spending time with friends, spending time in nature and also singing, listening to music, and writing poetry. My career path is to eventually work for a faith-based non-profit where I may be used by God to help others in whatever capacity the Lord has called me to.