
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

After spending two and a half weeks in the village we ended up back in Prizren and caught up with fellow squadmates. Some of our squad had their day to explore in Prizren for the day. One of my teammates ended up getting to go explore with another team that later met up with the team that came to Prizren for their adventure day. They had a local pastor show them around and Claran told the pastor about our time in Restelicë (Restelica). The pastor instantly replied saying no Christian missionary has even gone there and that the village is an unreached people group known as Gorani. The Lord brought us to minister to a small village that many kept asking the same premise of a question before we went there and that was “why in the world would you go there?”. Even the people we went to minister to were confused and asked why we were there. The Lord brought us to this village where we got to minister to people there in a unique way and also to just a few people. A few people who could instantly be used by God to bring about revival within the village to the people there.

A few people from my team will be keeping and staying in contact with the people we have made relationships with. Building on those relationships to grow as friends with them and to tell them about who Jesus is. We ask that you may join us in prayer for the people of Restelicë. That the entire village will turn to Jesus just like the people of Nineveh did when Jonah finally obeyed God and went there. But instead of eventually falling away from God that the people there will be so on fire for Christ that they never lose sight of who He is. Below is a Christian link talking briefly on the Gorani people. 

2 responses to “Leaving Restelicë and Impact Made”

  1. That’s so legit! Way to go Team Bullseye! God’s using you mightily! Thanks for the updates!

  2. How exciting Michael! You all went to a village who was an unreached people group. Terrific! Thank you for making friends with the folks God led you to and thank you for the follow up you all will do in order to continue to befriend and influence this village for the Kingdom.